Lose Your Belly Fat Overnight

Excess adipose tissue around a male's mid-section.

Image via Wikipedia

Everybody is trying to get rid of that tricky belly fat that just won’t seem to go away. We were told to do sit ups. We were told to buy electrodes to put on our skin that will miraculously shape and tone your six pack.  We were told to wear crazy outfits that would sweat off the fat while all we had to do was lay there and do nothing. Can someone please come forward and show me when any of those things has worked and who they’ve worked for.

The truth about your belly fat is that it’s not going away without a fight. It wants to be there and it’s in love with your mid-section. Some think that it’s a ancestral genetic trait to store body fat at the mid-section as this makes it easier for the body to carry. The close the weight is to your center the easier to move it. I mean you don’t really see people with enormous ankles or fat wrists. No one has extremely fat forearms or very fat calves. Well they do , but not without the rest of their body being just as fat. The bottom line is your body likes to keep storage in the tummy, hips and butt.

So how do we get rid of it? Well, here are a few things you should consider if you are to lose your belly fat overnight.

  1. Get a good night sleep. All those late nights out clubbing or late nights in front of the Television are killing your goals. Sleep is essential for your body’s repair process, which if you exercise needs to happen regularly. Sleep loss also limits fat loss by decreasing leptin which is a natural appetite suppresent. Have a look at these articles.
    1. http://ezinearticles.com/?Effects-of-Sleep-on-Fat-Loss&id=135138
    2. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/10/101004211637.htm
    3. Drop the late night alcohol consumption. Well I prefer to drop alcohol in general if your goal is to lose body fat. It does nothing positive for you in any way. Not only does it destroy your ability to uptake nutrients because the alcohol takes precedence over all other substances as your body looks to remove this poison as quickly as possible. Also the excess calories intake doesn’t bode well if you’re trying not to store calories.
    4. Cut out the late night snacks…at least the junk food snacks. If you’re going to have a late snack, try low glycemic foods like cottage cheese, milk and some fruits like berries. Those are good low calorie snacks that will keep you full and help you avoid sending your body into starvation mode, slowing your metabolism.